Have you and your family ever watched the movie Big Daddy before? If so you may remember this memorable moment…
Adam Sandler’s character asks Julian what he wants to eat and he responds without hesitation…
“30 packets of ketchup!”
Now, at the time this movie came out I just thought it was funny that this kid would ask for that. As an autism consultant and advocate today though I know of countless autism families today who’s children are obsessed with ketchup!
Some experts have gone online to discuss the fascination of children with autism and ketchup with mixed comments. Feeding children is often varied and unique compared to the next child you meet. A saying we have in our community is if you’ve met one individual with autism you’ve met just that one individual with autism.
Growing up with autism I never liked any types of condiments. As I got older I used condiments often while trying new foods to have that similar taste there. I now know today that’s how many children with autism start with their ketchup interest.
Regardless of feeding issues though, many parents and children alike can take solace in watching this film knowing that someone can love ketchup as much as their child can.
What are some film scenes that resonate with your child? Share your experiences in the comments!