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Applebee’s to Pay Employee with Autism Who Didn’t Receive a Check for a Year

Not sure if anyone has seen this story in the news recently about Caleb Dyl, an adult with autism from Rhode Island who didn’t receive a check for over a year from a local Applebee’s after being placed there for a job through a social service agency.

The story has been picked up by major print and online sites including USA Today, Huffington Post and CBS News.

In the end, Appleebee’s will be paying Dyl for 480 hours which he worked on site. Definitely intrigued to see how this story will develop and what facts may still present themself in the coming months. It’s an unfortunate situation for Dyl but we can only hope this will spread awareness for fair employment practices in the future.

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I used to have severe nonverbal autism. Today I’m a full-time professional speaker & best-selling author and autism-film consultant.

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