Dear Demi Lovato,
A few months ago I was listening to Z100 where they mentioned one of your recent performances where you kept saying the words “I am enough” right before you went onstage. You may not have ever expected anyone to over hear you but I’m glad that many of us did…
You see when I was 5, a year after I was diagnosed with autism at 4, my parents thought I may have an emotional disorder. I was lashing out because of my communication delays. After I was reconfirmed with a diagnosis of autism my parents focused on positive reinforcement while I worked through my therapies. For me, my positive reinforcements, along with my parents unconditional love for me no matter what gave me the confidence to succeed whether it be in school, therapy, you name it.
When you said those words “I am enough” it reminded me so much of my personal journey. When I was bullied as a child and having difficulties with my speech I often though that I wasn’t enough. As I grew up though I realized that the challenges you face don’t make you any less, they just help shape you on the road you are going on. I was always enough and when I realized that it was an over powering realization.
That’s what I try to tell my mentees all the time. We all have those things in our lives that we excel at and if we utilize them we can do remarkable things. We also even if we sometimes don’t want to admit it have those moments where we think we can’t do something.
It was a refreshing reminder when I turned on the radio that day and heard your story. After I read more about your journey I learned that you had become a champion for those who have a bipolar disorder based on your experiences growing up with that diagnosis. Several people in my community struggle with autism along with a bipolar disorder and your willingness to be a spokesperson for the latter means the world. Your music has given a platform for you to touch the world through your music but also with your heart as a spokesperson that great things are possible. It gives those with autism like myself a great deal of hope.
We all need someone out there to remind us from time to time that we are capable of doing amazing things in our lives. Thanks for being one of our reminders…
Your friend, Kerry