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Developing with Challenges and Accomplishments as an Autistic Person

This guest post is by Gary Oey Steven, a young man on the autism spectrum who applied to CUNY. Gary is applying for the Spring 2025 Making a Difference Autism Scholarship via the nonprofit KFM Making a Difference started by me, Kerry Magro. I was nonverbal till 2.5 and diagnosed with autism at 4 and you can read more about my organization here.

Autistics on Autism the Next Chapter: Stories You Need to Hear About What Helped Them While Growing Up and Pursuing Their Dreams will be released on Amazon on 3/25/25 and looks at the lives over 75 Autistic adults. 100% of the proceeds from this book will go back to supporting our nonprofits many initiatives, like this scholarship program. Check out the book here.

I was once born and had my early development as a nonverbal Autistic person. When I was an infant, I was unable to babble, respond when being addressed, physically move, and would display meltdowns to communicate, unlike neurotypical infants. Since my family was extremely clueless on why I was not developing like other infants, they were all upset, looked down on me, and assumed that I had a lifelong disease. At the age of 3, they decided to get me diagnosed by a neurologist. After I was diagnosed by a neurologist, my family discovered that I had a condition called Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified, under the disability classification, Autism.

As I transitioned into becoming an older child, I started physically moving on my own, babbling, and responding when being addressed as I made progress in Speech-Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Counseling, and Applied Behavior Analysis. As I developed making more progress, to the extent which I started to typically adapt to growth, I slowly graduated from these services.

As I became more capable to start my education, I started off as a special education student in a specialized classroom, which had six to eight students, one or more paraprofessionals, one teacher, and received SLP, OT, PT, and Counseling. Since I became more able to maintain my gross motor skills, communication skills, sensory adaptation skills, and social skills, I no longer needed ABA therapy.

After a couple of years of being in the specialized classroom, many staff members have observed that I became very intellectual, extremely advanced and ahead of my peers in classroom-modified curriculum, and a lot more social with my peers. Additionally, I became able to maintain everyday tasks and no longer needed OT or PT. They all decided to transfer me into the general education inclusion program.

In the general education inclusion program for the first 4 years (Primary Education – Elementary and Middle School); with both support from a paraprofessional, special education teacher, and special education services (SLP and Counseling), I have become more able to adapt to being more independent and challenged academically and socially, although I have experienced some challenges. With the support I have received from my paraprofessional, special education teacher, SLP, and counselor, I became more confident in independently completing my academic work and socializing with peers. Due to being resilient, having dedication, and perseverance in my studies and socialization, I have won my first M. Samuel Stern Award in May 2018.

As I graduated from primary education and transitioned into secondary education for the next 4 years (High School), I have become a lot more academically and socially independent, reducing the need for individualized academic and social support. Throughout my high school year, I was in general education classes but had a group paraprofessional, less intense supervision from my high school special education teacher, no longer needed individual SLP, and still received Counseling. Since I became more competitive and capable when it comes to standard academic assignments, my special education team determined to have me participate in standardized assignments and testing, no longer needing modifications in my assignments or testing, although I have received extra timing and separate locations as part of my accommodations. As I got older and achieved my goals in properly socializing with my peers and staying on topic, I totally graduated from SLP and had that service terminated. Due to being resilient, having dedication, and perseverance in my studies and socialization throughout high school, I won the M. Samuel Stern Award again in May 2024.

Since I became passionate about challenging policies which place barriers between Autistic people and opportunities, I decided to spread information about Autism Acceptance and advocate for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility for Autistic and neurodiverse learners. As a member of three community-based organizations: Bring Change to Mind (BC2M), Futures and Options, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City; I have persuaded their community-based programs to have more accommodative opportunities, representation, and social justice movements which empower Autistic children and youth.

After a while of fighting for my life and helping to empower Autistic individuals, I have decided to apply for admissions at the City University of New York to pursue a major in social work. Plus, I have already started my advocacy mission by convincing community-based organizations and elected officials to empower more Autistic individuals in our society. With all the skills I have built, I wish to pursue my passions and success at CUNY.

Kerry Magro, a professional speaker and best-selling author who is also on the autism spectrum started the nonprofit KFM Making a Difference in 2011 to help students with autism receive scholarship aid to pursue a post-secondary education. Help us continue to help students with autism go to college by making a tax-deductible donation to our nonprofit here.

Also, consider having Kerry, one of the only professionally accredited speakers on the spectrum in the country, speak at your next event by sending him an inquiry here. If you have a referral for someone who many want him to speak please reach out as well! Kerry speaks with schools, businesses, government agencies, colleges, nonprofit organizations, parent groups and other special events on topics ranging from employment, how to succeed in college with a learning disability, internal communication, living with autism, bullying prevention, social media best practices, innovation, presentation best practices and much more!

Picture of Kerry Magro

Kerry Magro

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I used to have severe nonverbal autism. Today I’m a full-time professional speaker & best-selling author and autism-film consultant.

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KMF Making A Difference

I started a nonprofit to educate on neurodiversity and help give students with autism scholarships to go to college.

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