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New Book on Succeeding in College with a Disability Now Available!

11886773_10155958310365296_1387603255_oHey everyone,

A new book I contributed to called College for Students with Disabilities: We Do Belong is out TODAY, August 21, 2015 and I’d LOVE your help with the promotion! This book is very special to me because when I was growing up many experts told my parents they didn’t believe college would be possible for me. Now as a Master’s graduate, I hope this book will empower those who read it that great things are truly possible in their lives if they strive to achieve it. You can learn more about the book here

I’ve left some sample social media copy below if you can help spread the word! Thanks so much in advance to everyone for reading this email and I hope you all are having a terrific summer!




For Facebook I’d love if you could take a selfie with the Selfie Flyer attached here to include in your post! If you aren’t a selfie fan there’s also a flyer of the book below to upload directly to Facebook as well!)

Facebook Flyer Upload

  1. I’m excited to share that my friend @Kerry Magro (Tag my Facebook Fan Page if possible) new book is out on navigating and succeeding in college with a learning disability! The book features leading advocates including Dr. Temple Grandin, Stephen Shore and many many more! Read more about this awesome new book here >> bit.ly/AutismAndCollege 😀
  1. @Kerry Magro (Tag my Facebook Fan Page if possible), a national speaker who has autism has a new book on college with a learning disability! This book includes practical advice to encourage self-advocacy in students with disabilities, and to support the professionals who are facing the challenges alongside them. Check it out today here >> bit.ly/AutismAndCollege 😀
  1. “You are not college material” or “you don’t belong in college” are comments frequently heard by students with disabilities. My friend @Kerry Magro (Tag my Facebook Fan Page if possible) who has autism and was able to graduate from college contributed to this new book that hopes to spread awareness to the world that those with disabilities CAN succeed in college! Read more about the book here >> bit.ly/AutismAndCollege 😀


  1. Click this link for a pre-filled tweet to help us >> http://ctt.ec/5oab8
  1. Help us even more by sharing this pre-filled tweet as well >> http://ctt.ec/cg0M9


Please mimic the Facebook copy and if you can tag me in the post @KerryMagro that would be amazing!


Picture of Kerry Magro

Kerry Magro

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I used to have severe nonverbal autism. Today I’m a full-time professional speaker & best-selling author and autism-film consultant.

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I started a nonprofit to educate on neurodiversity and help give students with autism scholarships to go to college.

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