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Why I Want To Help People With Autism Find Love & Relationships

Not very long ago I wrote a book about autism & falling in love. I wrote the book about my previous experiences growing up with autism and trying to get in relationships in the hopes of educating others. Over a decade since my first relationship, I can now say I’ve had success (and some challenges) in the dating world and I want to find a way to do the same for others on the spectrum.

When I was in college I started filling out the paperwork for a nonprofit organization that would provide scholarship opportunities for those with autism for college along with providing mentoring opportunities for people with special needs. This was at the same time I started down the road of being a professional speaker traveling the country. During these mentor roles I often discuss employment, housing, and post-secondary but the majority of the time all my mentees want to talk about boys & girls they are interested in.

I grew up knowing no one on the spectrum that is a big reason why I’m a mentor today. I want to make sure that less kids with special needs feel isolated and feel like they don’t have someone to talk too about topics such as this. For so long in our community a big misconception has been that people with autism lack empathy…

But not the kids I work with.

A majority of these kids want someone to love and I think that’s great. We talk about a lot of different dating topics such as intimacy, hygiene, being a good listener, etc. I want anyone who is searching for that special someone to be able to find them one day. As someone who is single today I definitely know that’s what I would like too. I just hope I can be the person to help guide these kids a bit to help them do just that.

Kerry Magro is an award-winning professional speaker, best-selling author and autism entertainment consultant who’s on the autism spectrum. Kerry regularly speaks at schools, businesses, parent groups, nonprofit organizations and other special events on topics ranging from but not limited too disability, innovation, school bullying, the power of communication, diversity, workplace bullying, servant leadership and much more! For his efforts, Kerry has been been featured in major media and worked with amazing brands including CBS NewsInside EditionUpworthy and Huffington Post among others. Know of a group that would like to have Kerry speak? Have them reach out to Kerry at Kerrymagro.com/contact!

Picture of Kerry Magro

Kerry Magro

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I used to have severe nonverbal autism. Today I’m a full-time professional speaker & best-selling author and autism-film consultant.

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I started a nonprofit to educate on neurodiversity and help give students with autism scholarships to go to college.

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