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Why We Need Our Entertainment Industry To Spotlight Severe Autism

While it’s great to see autism being spotlighted in shows like The Good Doctor & Atypical – this is only showing one end of the autism spectrum.

A common concern I get from parents when they come up to me after one of my speaking events who have a child on the severe end of the autism spectrum is that they don’t have a TV show or movie they can relate too.

When I was diagnosed with autism in 1992, everyone saw autism and they thought ‘Rain Man.’ Growing up with autism, more often than not people thought autism was only diagnosed in boys and that everyone who had autism was also a savant.

I did this video blog below a short time ago when a teen after my keynote presentation asked if “All people with autism end up as successful as ‘The Good Doctor.”

As a public speaker and autism self-advocate I hope I can spotlight countless stories of those with autism and other diagnoses.

Mrs. Fletcher, which is a limited series on HBO that I had the opportunity to be the autism consultant on has one character (Jonathan Fletcher) who will be featured who has severe nonverbal autism. While it’s a smaller role on the show, I hope this will lead to more opportunities to discuss the entire autism spectrum.

Do you know of a show/movie that highlights severe autism? Please share on my Facebook Page.

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Note: The Good Doctor have highlighted an individual with severe autism (played by the incredible actor Cody Bird) in a guest role for one episode.

Picture of Kerry Magro

Kerry Magro

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I used to have severe nonverbal autism. Today I’m a full-time professional speaker & best-selling author and autism-film consultant.

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